The Celtic Literature Collective

Incantations from the Stowe Missal

AROND : : : SULA :
Admuiniur epscop nibar iccas : : : : : arrae: : r�nicca do suil sen dee et C:::: : gi crist c : nd : rc lais sid conasellais :::: Rosc slan do su[l]o.

Haec cum dixisset exspuit in terram 7 fecit lutum ex sputo et linuit (lutum ?) super oculos eius et dixit ei uade et laua in natatoria siloe quod inter pretatur misus abiit ergo et lauit 7 uenit uidens:~

Macc saele �n tofasci delc nip hon nip anim nipatt nip galar nip cr� cruach nip loch liach nip aupaith l�i grene frisben att benith galar :.

Fuil fuiles (?) camull lind lindas. gaine reth rethte srothe telc tuisc lotar teora mucca inan�is (?) bethade nethar suil naro suil taber do fual inaitoneitt 7 toslane roticca ic slane:�


For a ... Eye.
I honour bishop Ibar who heals. May the blessing of God and of Christ�s heal thine eye whole of thine eye.

For a Thorn.
A splendid salve which binds a thorn: let it not be spot nor blemish, let it not be swelling nor illness, nor clotted gore, nor lamentable hole, nor enchantment. The sun�s brightness heals the swelling, it smites the disease.

For Disease of the Urine.
put thy urine in ... thy ... and thy health. May a cure of health heal thee!