Sc�l l�m d�ib
ut dixit Find hu Baiscne
1. Sc�l l�m d�ib
dordaid dam.
snigid gaim
ro faith sam.2. g�eth ard huar
�sel grian
gair a rrith
ruthach .i. tondgarach r�an. .i. muir3. roruad rath .i. raithnech
ro cleth .i. ro cheil cruth.
ro gab gnath
giugrand guth.4. ro gab uacht
ete. �n
aigre r�.
e. mo�l lem duib
As Finn, descendent of Ba�scni, said:
My tidings for you: the stag bells,
Winter snows, summer is gone.Wind high and cold, low the sun,
Short his course, sea running high.Deep-red the bracken, its shape all gone,
The wild-goose has raised his wonted cry.Cold has caught the wings of birds;
Season of ice - these are my tidings
Lebor na hUidre, ll.849-856.
Meyer, Kuno. Four Old-Irish Songs of Summer and Winter. London, 1903. reprinted from Selections from Ancient Irish Poetry. London, 1911.